Poor misguided aspirant who was selected by our Heavenly Father.

Called upon by He who created the universe and all forms of Life that exists there in.

You that now attempt to stand above others because of your selection;

do you act in this manner through ignorance or ego?

For your duties were clearly defined by Him.

By example you must teach; by benevolence you must assist;

blessed with dignity you must learn to be humble;

in humility you must epitomize justice.

The soil beneath your feet has been designated as Holy,

not because you stand upon it;

but because my Father has placed you there.

It is His work you were asked to engage in,

not a grandiose figment of your own imagination.

He did not give you possession;

instead He allowed you to act as custodians.

To nurture and to let all others see His glory in the abilities He had bestowed upon you.

This is the highest standard He could establish to equate what He has allotted to you;

and what He expects from you.

Misjudgments on your part have caused great suffering;

both to the chosen and those free to choose.

For His selection of you did not mean He considered others unworthy or of less importance.

Amen I say to you;

My Fathers scale is calibrated to value a ton of feathers and a ton of dirt to be equal.

To both he has assigned a specific purpose.

The Feathers He provided to comfort you in your daily rest.

While the dirt can provide the privacy you require for eternal rest.

Please understand the finality of your own demise.

It should inspire you to correct at all costs;

this tremendous inequity that so many have had to endure.

It is a foolish misconception and has divided the children of God.

My Father is a loving parent who is filled with great sorrow

at the bitterness and hatred one child has for the other.

My Father sent me to fulfill a promise He made to humanity.

It was hard to imagine that He who created the universe

and filled it with overwhelming beauty;

decided to send an insignificant infant

to represent the chosen people of the world.

It was difficult for you to recognize me,

for no trumpets sounded.

The earth did not tremble,

the only sound you might hear

was the sound of an infants cry.

So my sisters and brothers

my arrival was a disappointment to you.

Never the less I walked among you as a child

and I played with your children.

I drank wine with your fathers and brothers

and grew to be a man.

Until one day at the urging of my Father,

I made my presence known.

Wine from water, fishes and loaves, sight restored to the blind;

and the ability to walk for those who had been lame.

For Lazarus; the release from the confines of his tomb.

Acts of compassion, for prayers uttered

by those who asked for so little in life.

My Heart was filled with Love for them;

little by little they began to recognize me

as they obtained comfort from my words.

My Father chose the path which led me to them,

as I filled the limited time allowed me on earth.

I searched the crowds for your faces,

only the faces of the humble stared back at me.

They called out to me; Jesus, Jesus, Messiah!

As they knelt before me

I would lift them to their feet and comfort them.

I shared the meager food they had

and I taught them to be fishermen.

Once in a violent storm they were overcome with fear,

I walked upon the water and encouraged them to come to me.

I assured them of My Fathers Love, and how special they were to Him;

slowly their fear subsided, replaced by trust.

For they came to realize no storm would ever be able to separate them from Him.

Like leaves stripped from trees in autumn

so too did my days fall away one at a time,

the hostility of Kings and Rabbis,

Roman Emperors,

and money changers grew ever more incessant.

As my faithful followers welcomed me into their city,

they waived palm leaves and joined the large procession behind me.

Only I knew that the end was close at hand.

We would share the Passover holidays together;

one last dinner then it would be time for me to return to my Fathers House.

Those days became reminders of the work I would leave unfinished,

for my Father had hoped you might come to recognize me.

How did I fail to reach you?

This thought would fill my final days and nights;

as I saw the look of worry and fear on the face of my apostles.

They did not realize the test of faith they would be subjected to.

Some would pass it with ease;

while the others drew away from me oblivious of their actions.

My final night revealed the last remnants of my humanity.

From somewhere deep inside the recesses of my mortal mind I felt the pain of loneliness.

Sleep was not to be a part of this night;

so I enquired who might be willing to share this night with me?

The Silence was unbroken;

and it remained with me throughout the night.

History has already documented my betrayal,

my trial, and my death.

It has viewed my empty tomb,

my discarded shroud

and witnessed my ascension into Heaven.

The portrayal of the events of that time I spent among you

have endured as much brutality and defamation as my mortal body.

Those who followed me in the past and continue to follow me today

have felt the pain of my scourging and have been vilified and shunned.

There are others who cringe at the very mention of my name;

for I am the Messiah!

My Father in Heaven has named me.

This will never change;

neither outrage nor indictment can turn back the hands of time.

No one can make it be the way they think it should be.

For it has been written in the Book of Life.

Once more I try to reach out to all those who have rejected me;

the world has become a very fragile place.

For that which man has created, can be the means to eliminate creation.

Do not be filled with self righteousness'

lest you find the indignation of solitude and isolation.

Do not protest and accuse,

look to your own wrong doing before you condemn your enemy.

Think of the Love that God invested in the Eden into which you have been placed.

All forms of Life on this earth are at risk,

if this denial of involvement in thousands of year's worth

of brutality and hatred continues.

Each participant must acknowledge its wrong doing;

then work together

to isolate the common enemy

that desires to rule through terror.

For there are those who are consumed with such wickedness,

that it motivates them to cause such unspeakable devastation

to the physical body of Gods children:

In a brutal attempt to destroy their very souls.

You are all children of God;

only those who are Godless

shall expose themselves in a futile attempt

to deny accountability.

Under the laws of God every one shall be held accountable.

My first visit was brief,

a single tick of the eternal clock;

my second trip will be even briefer.

For it will be a mission designed to rescue



Reason and Mercy.

Amen  Amen