
My Name is Jesus
Do not be in awe of the text: for I am among these words.
They say I died for the sins of man;
Amen I say to you
I was sent to forgive sin.
What the interrogators demanded of me was not possible;
How could I deny my Father who sent me?
Or refute His Word?
For I am the WORD!
Therefore it was impossible for me to avoid the Agony,
The Crucifixion and Death;
Oh vile, evil death you are the slave of a wicked master.
Only the compassion of a pure heart and a devoted soul can overcome
the agony and conquer death.
After that arise from it's clutches as new as at
birth and ascend into Heaven
to stand beside my Heavenly Father.
Then upon that day all will come to understand that the
Glory of God is not seen with the eyes.
It is etched within the Spirit;
and carved deeply into the Soul of the Believer.
Amen Amen